Scruffy hair:
The most common complaint of summer time weather is the dull and lifeless hair it gives us. Though keeping your scalp clean is the way to go, if greasy hair is your problem, then maybe some baby powder to do the trick or like Amrita Rao says, "Carry a trendy hairband or a bandana with which you can quickly tie your hair".
Tanned skin and blemishes:
Summertime leads to that god awful tan, something that refuses to go away, no wonder then the trick is to keep either the sun away or to simply use protection against it. A good sunscreen with high SPF is just the trick but understand not all sunscreens may be good for you, Amrita advices "Understand what skin type you are and then use good products that suit your skin." So if you have an oily skin, go for more matte creams. Though prevention is always better, if you can afford to avoid the sun, it's the perfect solution and Amrita's way to go in summers as she says, " I chill in summers by spending time indoors, I avoid walking in the sun even if it's shopping, I would go to a malls, even if it is outside the country."
Loving Naturals Organic
SPF 30 Sunscreen Zinc Oxide 4 Oz.
Scorched and Parched:
It's important to stay hydrated. All that sweating can make your water levels fall drastically leading to dull skin, parched throat and rising body temperature. It's important to maintain your cool and your favourite drink should be the good ole H2O as Amrita reveals, "Have lots of water and wear appropriate clothes that protects you from the sun. My favourite thing to eat in the summer would be a lot of cucumber slices, lime juice or coconut water would be good." That should keep you fresh and cool, and if all this seems hard work maybe a good escape up north might be a good idea. So get your travel itineraries in order.